Assessment of FAIR

Checklist for assessment of FAIRness of your data by LCRDM (NL)

Data steward competencies

Explore data steward competencies in policy, research and infrastructure

Ethical guidelines

Guideline to follow when applying for a grant by the European Council


Explanation of the FAIR principles and understand that FAIR is not the same as Open by UKSG (UK)


FAIR recommendations by


Fostering FAIR Data Practices by FAIRSFAIR


Top 10 FAIR data & Software, how different disciplines implement FAIR at a different pace by Library Carpentry


The FAIR principles to understand the importance of metadata by GO FAIR


Concrete recommendations in Turning FAIR into reality Directive on FAIR open data by EC


Five recommendations for FAIR software


TOP 10 FAIR things of the Library Carpentry (building software and data skills within library and information-related communities)


Six Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Practice by the FAIR in Practice Task Force of the European Open Science Cloud FAIR Working Group


FAIR-Aware is an disciplinary-agnostic online tool for the self-assessment of the FAIRness of your dataset(s)


Do I-pass for FAIR: Self-assessment tool for organisations to evaluate their FAIR-enablingness

Fair Guiding principles

The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship

FAIR training resources

The Australian Research Data Commons’ FAIR Data 101 self-guided materials!

File formats

Preferred file formats by archives, explained by Essentials 4 Data Support

Handbook for FAIR training

Adoption handbook “How to be FAIR with your data – A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions”

Local DCCs

Information for and by Digital Competence Centres within Research Institutes

Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs

The Art of Publishing Reproducible Research Outputs, report from Knowledge Exchange FAIR? Data management planning? data stewards;researchers/research software engineers All emerging practices through cultural and technological innovation

Research Integrity

The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity serves the European research community as a framework for self-regulation across all scientific and scholarly disciplines and for all research settings

Research software

Top 10 to Improve FAIRness of research software in Library Carpentry

Research software

This LCRDM report presents a survey of current research software practices and provides recommendations

Reuse of qualitative research data

A report on community developments and needs

Software Citation

Training on how to do Software Citation

Software Management Plans

Practical guide to Software Management Plans to implement best practices during software development and ensuring that software is accessible and reusable.


Yellow pages for (training ) events on RDM, Open Science and Software management

Training materials

Good Enough Research Data Management – A Very Brief Guide (University of Colombia)